Post by tollterocona on May 23, 2019 1:09:49 GMT 5.5
Main category /
Sub category / Productivity
Developer / Eduard Metzger
Filesize / 22835
Title / NotePlan
Best of 2017: Creating on macOS
Don’t be quick to dismiss your Mac’s default image management application. It comes with all the basic features and filters you need to edit photos and turn them into beautiful printed products.
Download: mpv (Free)
• Simple text-formatting with markdown, such as bold, italic, lists, titles, etc.
One nice touch – you can do a bunch of extra stuff like share, duplicate or delete a note using the commands in the menu icon at the bottom of the note.
Official site:
Best! version (22149 kb)
New Mac mini (20094 kb)
Key for repack
Download: Audacity (Free)
I use NotePlan daily and in doing so discovered I was much more productive when I wasn't continually opening the app to focus on my next task. I envisioned having all the information available in NotePlan visible on my desktop. And since NotePlan keeps your information as plain text files in iCloud, we can use GeekTool script modules to create a dynamic dashboard.
Chances are, at the end of the day some to-dos are still open or you collected a few ideas which need your attention. Take your time and review them at the end of the day or week and make a quick decision: cancel, re-schedule or finish them right now.
The daily work with your tasks and notes.
Or rummage about in my github. It isn't alpha yet, but what's visible is the tip of an iceberg...
Default (''): todoMark=''
As soon as your subscription is over you lose access to everything? Ok, that’s a total deal breaker right there.
Featured for OS X
[20779 kbytes] Update 1.7.30 NotePlan gAVsuX 1.8.30 Updated to MacBook
[19866 kbytes] Crack vers.1.6.12 NotePlan YZwwh 1.6.20 Recomended! version
[23520 kbytes] Free PZAL NOTEPLAN 1.6.24 1.6.27 Language English
[22606 kbytes] Full NotePlan v.1.6.29 fgFN 1.6.18 Updated on 10.14.2
[20323 kbytes] Free rT6 1.6.23 NotePlan 1.6.13 Best MacBook Air
[19638 kbytes] App NOTEPLAN 1.6.12 65TB 1.6.28 Recomended for iMac Pro
10.12.4 | 5582 kbytes | 2.3.6
Languages Italian Chinese | 8529 kbytes | 3.7.9
Updated 10.13.4 v.1.9.7_iVAMP_tPMgsi.tar.gz | 13011 kbytes | 2.9.6
New 10.13.4 v_8.0.6.6_Visual_Studio_saYMl.dmg | 644534 kbytes |